Trade date | HS code | Product | Supplier | Buyer | Buyer country | Supply country | Country of origin | weight | qty |
11.02.2022 | 8,419E+11 | MENTEŞELİ DONMUŞ ODA KAPISI | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 1600 | 40 |
11.02.2022 | 3,825E+11 | R-404A FREON TEKRAR DOLDURULABİLİR TÜPLÜ 10KG**R-134A FREON TEKRAR DOLDURULABİLİR TÜPLÜ 12KG | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | united states | 2945 | 166 |
11.02.2022 | 8,41869E+11 | C-BOX L010-K01.SC4135.NT2212.EP5 SPLİT CH | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 600 | 10 |
30.12.2021 | 8,41869E+11 | SOĞUK HAVA DEPOSU AKSAM VE PARÇALARI ( MAL TANIMLARI CANTAŞ İÇ VE DIŞ TİC. A.Ş. FİRMASININ CNT20210000020775 SAYI 08/12/2021**CNT2021000021199 SAYI 16/12/2021**CNT2021000020871 SAYI 10/12/2021**CNT2021000020980 | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 7724 | 113 |
30.12.2021 | 8,419E+11 | EWRC 500 NT-2HP BUZZER**NTC 3.5M IP68 POTTED 6X25 BL | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 165 | 240 |
30.12.2021 | 8,419E+11 | SOĞUK HAVA DEPUSU AKSAM VE PARCASI ( MAL CİNSLERİ FRİGOBLOCK A.Ş. FİRMASININ FRB2021000001181 SAYI 20/12/2021 VE FRB2021000001226 SAYI 28/12/2021 TARİHLİ FATURALARINDA BELİRTİĞİ GİBİDİR ) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 1360 | 43 |
26.12.2021 | 7,30891E+11 | SOĞUK HAVA ODA PAN. PUR 80/9002/9002 ( 631,80 MTK ) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 5550 | 5550 |
24.10.2021 | 8,419E+11 | 70X180 NET GEÇİŞLİ DONUK ODA KAPISI | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 640 | 16 |
24.10.2021 | 8,419E+11 | SOĞUK HAVA DEPUSU AKSAM VE PARCASI (HOROZAYDOS-15 15W NEMLİYER ARMATÜR BEYAZ KASA 6500K**ELIWELL EWRC 500NT-2HP BUZZER**ELIWELL NTC 3.5M IP68 POTTED 6X BLACK) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 98.42 | 216 |
24.10.2021 | 8,419E+11 | 40X80X40 U AKSESUVAR | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 340 | 500 |
24.10.2021 | 8,419E+11 | SOĞUK HAVA DEPOSU AKSAM VE PARÇALARI ( MAL TANIMLARI CANTAŞ İÇ VE DIŞ TİC. A.Ş. FİRMASININ CNT20210000016542 SAYI 17/09/2021 TARİHLİ İMALATCI FATURASINDA BELİRTİĞİ GİBİDİR) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 4256.08 | 67 |
13.10.2021 | 8,419E+11 | 40X80X40 U AKSESUVAR | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 340 | 500 |
13.10.2021 | 8,419E+11 | SOĞUK HAVA DEPOSU AKSAM VE PARÇALARI ( MAL TANIMLARI CANTAŞ İÇ VE DIŞ TİC. A.Ş. FİRMASININ CNT20210000016542 SAYI 17/09/2021 TARİHLİ İMALATCI FATURASINDA BELİRTİĞİ GİBİDİR) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 4256.08 | 67 |
13.10.2021 | 8,419E+11 | SOĞUK HAVA DEPUSU AKSAM VE PARCASI (HOROZAYDOS-15 15W NEMLİYER ARMATÜR BEYAZ KASA 6500K**ELIWELL EWRC 500NT-2HP BUZZER**ELIWELL NTC 3.5M IP68 POTTED 6X BLACK) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 98.42 | 216 |
13.10.2021 | 8,419E+11 | 70X180 NET GEÇİŞLİ DONUK ODA KAPISI | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 640 | 16 |
12.10.2021 | 7,30891E+11 | İZOLASYONLU SANDVİÇ PANEL (SOĞUK ODA PUR. PANJUR 80/9002/9002) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 5410 | 5410 |
16.08.2021 | 8,419E+11 | 50X50 İC AKSESUVAR**50X110 DIŞ KÖŞE L AKSESUVAR**40X80X40 U AKSESUVAR**200X2 MM POLAR | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 1334.5 | 2350 |
16.08.2021 | 8,419E+11 | ELIWELL EWRC 500 NT-2HP BUZZER**ELIWELL NTC 3.5M IP68 POTTED 6X25 BL | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | italy | 208 | 300 |
16.08.2021 | 8,419E+11 | SOĞUK HAVA DEPOSU EKİPMAN VE PARÇALARI ( MAL CİNSLERİ FRİGOBLOCK SOĞ. SİS. TİC. A.Ş. FİRMASININ FRB2021000000631 SAYI 28/07/2021 TARİHLİ SATIŞ FATURASINDA BELİRTTİĞİ GİBİDİR) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 1494 | 57 |
16.08.2021 | 8,419E+11 | PASLANMAZ RAY 100 CM** PASLANMAZ MANDAL 12 CM | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 18 | 105 |
16.08.2021 | 8,419E+11 | 70X180 NET GEÇİŞLİ DONUK ODA KAPISI | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 2560 | 64 |
16.08.2021 | 8,419E+11 | İ-PBV-04 DİKDÖRTGEN KAFA PANEL BAĞLANTI VİDASI | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 0.5 | 20 |
9.07.2021 | 7,30891E+11 | SOĞUK HAVA ODA PAN. PUR 80/9002/9002 | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 5500 | 631.8 |
28.05.2021 | 7,30891E+11 | SANDWİÇ PANEL (MAL CİNSLERİ DAVUT PANEL AŞ FİRMASININ DVP2021000000566 SAYILI VE 20/05/2021 TARİHLİ İMALATÇI FATURASINDA BELİRTİLDİĞİ GİBİDİR.) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 5620 | 629.1 |
15.05.2021 | 8,3052E+11 | 50X50 İÇ AKSESUVAR**50X110 DIŞ KÖŞE L AKSESUVAR**40X80X40 U AKSESUVAR | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 1200 | 1750 |
15.05.2021 | 8,3052E+11 | K.ALTI OMEGA 1100X2700 BANTLI SAĞ 7024**FOTOSEL KUTU**BARKOD CİHAZ DELİK APARATI | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 236.5 | 3 |
25.05.2021 | 7,30891E+11 | SANDWİÇ PANEL (MAL CİNSLERİ DAVUT PANEL AŞ FİRMASININ DVP2021000000566 SAYILI VE 20/05/2021 TARİHLİ İMALATÇI FATURASINDA BELİRTİLDİĞİ GİBİDİR.) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 5620 | 629.1 |
31.03.2021 | 7,30891E+11 | SOĞUK ODA PAN PUR 80/9002/900/ | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | Turkey | turkey | 5550 | 625.2 |
1.03.2018 | 38247890 | MIXTURES CONTAINING PERFLUOROCARBONS "PFCS" OR HYDROFLUOROCARBONS "HFCS", N.E.S. | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.04.2018 | 38247890 | MIXTURES CONTAINING PERFLUOROCARBONS "PFCS" OR HYDROFLUOROCARBONS "HFCS", N.E.S. | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.12.2018 | 84186900 | OTHER REFRIDGERATING OR FREEZING EQUIPTMENT | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.01.2019 | 85371098 | null | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.01.2019 | 84189990 | OTHER PARTS OF REFRIGERATORS: FREEZERS AND OTHER REFRIG OR FREEZING EQP OF HEADING 8418 NES (KG) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.04.2019 | 84186900 | OTHER REFRIDGERATING OR FREEZING EQUIPTMENT | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.06.2019 | 84189990 | OTHER PARTS OF REFRIGERATORS: FREEZERS AND OTHER REFRIG OR FREEZING EQP OF HEADING 8418 NES (KG) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.06.2019 | 73089098 | STRUCTURES AND PARTS OF STRUCTURES OF IRON OR STEEL, N.E.S. (EXCL. BRIDGES AND BRIDGE-SECTIONS; TOWERS; LATTI | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.09.2019 | 84189990 | OTHER PARTS OF REFRIGERATORS: FREEZERS AND OTHER REFRIG OR FREEZING EQP OF HEADING 8418 NES (KG) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.12.2019 | 84189990 | OTHER PARTS OF REFRIGERATORS: FREEZERS AND OTHER REFRIG OR FREEZING EQP OF HEADING 8418 NES (KG) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.01.2020 | 84189990 | OTHER PARTS OF REFRIGERATORS: FREEZERS AND OTHER REFRIG OR FREEZING EQP OF HEADING 8418 NES (KG) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.06.2020 | 73089098 | STRUCTURES AND PARTS OF STRUCTURES OF IRON OR STEEL, N.E.S. (EXCL. BRIDGES AND BRIDGE-SECTIONS; TOWERS; LATTI | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.06.2020 | 73089098 | STRUCTURES AND PARTS OF STRUCTURES OF IRON OR STEEL, N.E.S. (EXCL. BRIDGES AND BRIDGE-SECTIONS; TOWERS; LATTI | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.10.2020 | 84189990 | OTHER PARTS OF REFRIGERATORS: FREEZERS AND OTHER REFRIG OR FREEZING EQP OF HEADING 8418 NES (KG) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.11.2020 | 84189990 | OTHER PARTS OF REFRIGERATORS: FREEZERS AND OTHER REFRIG OR FREEZING EQP OF HEADING 8418 NES (KG) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.04.2021 | 73089098 | STRUCTURES AND PARTS OF STRUCTURES OF IRON OR STEEL, N.E.S. (EXCL. BRIDGES AND BRIDGE-SECTIONS; TOWERS; LATTI | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.05.2021 | 83052000 | STAPLES IN STRIPS (EG. FOR OFFICES: UPHOLSTERY: PACKAGING): OF BASE METAL. (KG) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.05.2021 | 84189990 | OTHER PARTS OF REFRIGERATORS: FREEZERS AND OTHER REFRIG OR FREEZING EQP OF HEADING 8418 NES (KG) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.02.2022 | 84186900 | OTHER REFRIDGERATING OR FREEZING EQUIPTMENT | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.01.2022 | 84189990 | OTHER PARTS OF REFRIGERATORS: FREEZERS AND OTHER REFRIG OR FREEZING EQP OF HEADING 8418 NES (KG) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.02.2022 | 84189990 | OTHER PARTS OF REFRIGERATORS: FREEZERS AND OTHER REFRIG OR FREEZING EQP OF HEADING 8418 NES (KG) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.03.2022 | 84189990 | OTHER PARTS OF REFRIGERATORS: FREEZERS AND OTHER REFRIG OR FREEZING EQP OF HEADING 8418 NES (KG) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.03.2022 | 84186900 | OTHER REFRIDGERATING OR FREEZING EQUIPTMENT | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.05.2022 | 73089098 | STRUCTURES AND PARTS OF STRUCTURES OF IRON OR STEEL, N.E.S. (EXCL. BRIDGES AND BRIDGE-SECTIONS; TOWERS; LATTI | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.07.2022 | 73089098 | STRUCTURES AND PARTS OF STRUCTURES OF IRON OR STEEL, N.E.S. (EXCL. BRIDGES AND BRIDGE-SECTIONS; TOWERS; LATTI | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.07.2022 | 84189990 | OTHER PARTS OF REFRIGERATORS: FREEZERS AND OTHER REFRIG OR FREEZING EQP OF HEADING 8418 NES (KG) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.09.2022 | 73089098 | STRUCTURES AND PARTS OF STRUCTURES OF IRON OR STEEL, N.E.S. (EXCL. BRIDGES AND BRIDGE-SECTIONS; TOWERS; LATTI | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |
1.09.2022 | 84189990 | OTHER PARTS OF REFRIGERATORS: FREEZERS AND OTHER REFRIG OR FREEZING EQP OF HEADING 8418 NES (KG) | NULL | cool plus london ltd. | England | null | null | null | null |