
Packaging Industry in Turkey




Packaging provides protection to products by ensuring safe delivery from the place of

manufacture to the point of sale or use.


The Turkish packaging industry is a well-developed sector. In recent years, innovations

and the environment friendly production in the sector have increased. In addition, new

packaging formats are improved according to the quality, size and appeal of products.

Growth in population and living standards, rapid urbanization, diversification of consumer

goods, increase in the number of women in labor force and increase in exports – mainly in

consumer products, have all resulted in higher demand for packaging products. The


Turkish packaging industry has grown rapidly over the past 10 years and has now become

a huge sector. The growth of the sector reflects changing shopping habits, particularly in

large cities, due to the presence of supermarkets, department stores and hypermarkets.

Increased advertisement of consumer products, attractive point-of-purchase packaging

and the boom in sales of canned and frozen food, apparel, and disposable medical

supplies, all of which require specialty packaging, and especially the increase in exports

are other factors for the expansion of the packaging sector.


Packaging consumption in Turkey has increased rapidly following the world trends. As the

retail market has expanded rapidly, the sales of packaged products to the final consumer

has increased. This development has resulted in intensive studies on packaging forms and

more rational packaging. In the last five years, the average growth rate of the Turkish

packaging industry has been 6% per year, and it is estimated to remain the same in the

coming years.


The annual consumption of packaging is about 5.5 million tons. The breakdown of

packaging products consumption in Turkey is 39% for paper, carton and corrugated board

packaging, 33% for plastic packaging, 13% for glass packaging, 8% for wood packaging

and 7% for metal packaging.


Turkey produces all types of packaging materials and products such as paper, cardboard,

wrapping film, tape, plastics, glass, metal and wood. The need to arrange the product for

packaging according to its physical and chemical properties has led to different ways of

utilizing the main materials by processing them with new technologies. In other words, the

flexibility of the materials has increased with regard to protection capabilities and shelf life.

There are about 3000 companies manufacturing various packaging materials in Turkey.

Most of the companies are medium and small sized companies, but there are also a few

large companies. Fifty three packaging manufacturers are among the largest 1000

companies in Turkey. The companies in the sector show very good performance in terms

of quality and production capacity. Companies in the packaging industry are mostly

located in Istanbul, Izmir, Bursa, Ankara, Konya, Kocaeli, Gaziantep, Adana, Kayseri and

Manisa. The packaging sector is well-organized under the Exporters’ Unions and sectoral



© Republic of Turkey – Ministry of Economy, 2012 3

The plastic packaging sector in Turkey has a total production of 1.8 million tons/year. Most

of the companies in the sector are small and medium sized. The Turkish PP woven bags

and sacks sector has an important production and export capacity, and ten large sized

companies producing big bags are organized under the Turkish Flexible Intermediate Bulk

Containers Association.


Paper, carton and corrugated board products have become one of the leading sectors of

the packaging industry and account for approximately 39% of the packaging industry’s

production. The paper, carton and corrugated board products sector in Turkey has a total

production of 2.1 million tons/year.


Metal packages made of aluminum, tin, and iron sheets are supplied to the market in

different forms. The steel packaging (vegetable oil, pickle, mineral oil, paint and other

chemicals drums and boxes, boxes for food, beverages, aerosol and beverage lids, glass

jar lids) and aluminum packaging (covers all kinds of food and non-food aluminum boxes)

production capacity has reached 600.000 tons. The annual production reached about

388.000 tons and accounts for approximately 7% of the packaging industry’s production.

Turkey has a well-developed glass industry. There is a group of companies, namely

“Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fab. A.Ş.” in the glass industry which dominates the domestic

market. It accounts for approximately 95% of Turkey’s total annual production of glass and

ranks 12th amongst the top 25 firms in the world. The Group consists of 26 companies

which produce almost every kind of glass product, and Anadolu Cam which produces

glass packaging. Turkey has a glass production capacity of 2.2 million tons in total.


Approximately one third of this capacity, which is about 750.000 tons, is for glass

packaging products. Anadolu Cam Türkiye Şişe ve Cam Fab. A.Ş. exports glass

containers as well as packaging production technologies.


Wooden packaging consists mainly of products used for packaging agricultural products

such as fresh fruits and vegetables, standard and non-standard pallets used in warehouse

stacking and logistics, demountable transportation boxes and containers. Total capacity is

estimated to be 600.000 tons/year and the production of various wooden packaging

materials is about 440.000 tons/year. Sector products comply with recent ISPM15



The Turkish packaging sector has also reached world standards in terms of quality. The

number of firms which have ISO 9000 Quality System Certificates, ISO 14001 Certificates

and ISO 22000 Certificates is rapidly increasing. In addition, Turkish packaging

manufacturers closely follow recent international and national developments in

environmental issues and comply with environmental legislation and regulations.

All types of packaging wastes, including those imported and/or produced in Turkey, are

controlled under the “Packaging and Packaging Waste Management Legislation”.


Additionally, there are legislative preparations for the control of food packaging production

and articles in direct contact with food materials. With these additional legislative

improvements, it is foreseen to reach a compliance with European Union regulations. The

R&D and new product development activities in the sector have gained more importance

in order to achieve competitiveness worldwide.


© Republic of Turkey – Ministry of Economy, 2012 4




Exports of the Turkish packaging industry show increasing trend. While it was 50 million

USD in 1990, the value of packaging products exports reached almost 3.1 billion dollars in

2011. Additionally, a large quantity of packaging products is exported indirectly along with

the exported product itself. This remarkable high increase in export value has undoubtedly

been achieved due to recent modernization and technological improvements in the sector.

In 2011 the largest packaging group exported was plastic packaging products with a share

of 69% in total exports in the packaging industry. The total export value of these packaging

products reached 2,142 million USD in 2011. The main plastic packaging products

exported are flexible intermediate bulk containers (sacks and bags, a kind used for the

packaging of goods). Turkey is the world’s second largest exporter of FIBC (Flexible

Intermediate Bulk Containers) with an 18.3% share in 2009. The other plastic packaging

products exported are sheets and films made of propylene polymers, vinyl chloride

polymers and ethylene polymers, bags and sacks made of ethylene polymers, lids,

stoppers, caps and other closures, carboys, bottles, flasks, preforms and similar articles.


The next largest packaging group was paper packaging products with a share of 18% in

total exports of the packaging industry. The main export products are paper and board

cartons, mainly corrugated board products, boxes, cases, bags and other packing

containers. In 2011, the total export value of these packaging products reached 567 million



The other important packaging group was metal packaging with a share of 9% in the total

exports of the packaging industry. The main export products are aluminum casks, drums,

cans, boxes and similar containers (including rigid or collapsible tubular containers). In

2011, the total value of these metal packaging products reached 281 million USD.

Glass and wood packaging products are other important export products. These products

are carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, phials, ampoules and other containers of glass and

pallets, boxes of wood.



Turkish packaging products are exported to a wide range of countries and Turkey is now

exporting various packaging products to 200 countries throughout the world. Packaging

products are mainly exported to the European Union countries, Eastern Europe, the

Middle East and the CIS countries. The major markets for packaging products are

Germany, the United Kingdom, Iraq, France, Iran, the Netherlands, Italy, Israel, Russian

Federation and Romania. In 2011, Germany and the United Kingdom had a 9% and 7%

share in Turkey’s packaging industry exports, respectively.

© Republic of Turkey – Ministry of Economy, 2012 5



Packaging Eurasia 2012- International Packaging, Packaging Processes, Packaging

Machinery and Materials Exhibition in Istanbul in September 20-23, 2012.

Strong NGO’s in the sector have been implementing a marketing project “Turkish Packology”

which at present covers the Russian Federation. You can reach information about the

Turkish Packology Project on its website (http://www.turkishpackology.com).



􀂃 Packaging Manufacturers Association


􀂃 Corrugated Board Manufacturers Association


􀂃 Label Manufacturers Association


􀂃 Carton Board Packaging Manufacturers Association


􀂃 Flexible Packaging Manufacturers Association


􀂃 Packaging Machine Manufacturers Association


􀂃 Association For Recyclable Packaging Materials Collectors And Separators


􀂃 Rigid Plastic Packaging Manufacturers Association



keywords:  packaging , packaging industry , Turkish packaging industry , buy packaging from Turkey, import packaging products from Turkey
