
Turkish Machine Tools Industry



HS Numbers: 8456-8463, 8464-8466


The term ‘machine tools’ covers a wide range of machinery used for cutting, removing or

forming metal to produce components which are subsequently assembled into engineering

products. Simply, machine tools are “machines that produce machines”. Important sectors

of the engineering industry include the manufacture of motor vehicles, aerospace products

and general industrial equipment. These sectors, together with the subcontractors that

supply them, make up the customer base for supplies of machine tools. Thus, it is

generally viewed as a strategic sector for a country.


In 2011, the top 28 countries’ production of machine tools totaled US$ 93.8 billion. That is

33,8% higher than the value those same nations created in 2010.




Machine tools production started in the mid `60s in Turkey with the production of lathes by

private companies. In line with national industrialization efforts state institutions undertook

the leading role for the machine tools industry. The first step was the licensing agreements

signed with two world famous machine tools manufacturers. After a long, hard period of

work the first Turkish-made machine tool came off the production line in 1984. In the

following years various machine tools (universal/vertical milling machines, universal/turret

turning lathes, cylindrical/surface grinding machines, tool grinding machines, radial

grinding machines etc.) have been produced in large numbers in Turkey.


During this period CNC machining centers were introduced to the world market. Both

global and Turkish industrial manufacturers demanded these hi-tech, computer controlled

machine tools. The Turkish machine tools industry has been able to meet this new

demand since the beginning of the ‘90s. The process of manufacturing better, innovative

machine tools with higher technology is an ongoing effort among machine tools

manufacturers in Turkey. At present Turkey relies on Turkish-made machine tools.


According to worldwide statistics for the year 2010, Turkey is the 12th largest

manufacturer among 28 machine tool manufacturing countries, with a production value of

US$ 555 million. 26% of the total is from metal cutting type machining centers and the

remaining 74% from metal forming type machine tools. For the year 2011, Turkey is the

14th largest manufacturer among 28 machine tool manufacturing countries, with a

production value of US$ 668 million. The Turkish machine tools industry partially meets

domestic demand and about 58% of the production was exported in 2011.


Today, the Turkish machine tools industry manufactures and exports various kinds of

machine tools including; CNC/conventional machining centers, CNC/conventional lathes,

CNC/conventional milling machines, CNC/conventional grinding machines, bending

machines, bordering machines, honing machines, presses, shears, press breaks, CNC

brakes, CNC cutting machines, profile cutting machines, band saws, seaming machines,

welding machines (MIG-MAG, TIG-WIG), planning machines, thicknessing machines, rip

saws, resawing machines, CNC/conventional gear hobbing machines, spindle molding

machines, corner notchers, calibrating and polishing machines, chamfering machines for

stones, trimming machines for stones, splitting machines, log carriages, dust sucking

machines, parts and components of machines tools (electronic components, computer

© Republic of Turkey - Ministry of Economy, 2012 3
controls, CNCs, NCs, cam switches, tool holders, chucks, load lifting magnets, magnetic

chucks, mandrels, hydraulic cylinders and spare parts, bar feeders for CNC lathes, tooling

dies, universal frames/cabinets, CNC cabinets, work benches, material cabinets, tool

cabinets etc) and other metal, stone, glass, wood and plastic processing machines.

The Turkish machine tools industry and sub-industries are composed of about 480

companies. These companies are mainly SME’s which have less than 200 employees.

About 10 companies are large-scale manufacturers of machine tools and



Manufacturing sites are mainly located in the Marmara, Central Anatolian and Aegean

Regions of Turkey. Istanbul, Bursa, Konya, Izmir, Ankara and Kayseri are the major cities

in machine tools and parts/components production. The sector employs about 3200





Turkey’s machine tools exports were US $387 million in 2011. The Turkish machine tools

industry exports high-tech machining centers as well as metal-forming type machine tools.

Machine tools that are exported are mainly metal-forming types.

Exports of Metal-Working Machine Tools (Value: US$ 1,000)

The Turkish machine tools industry exports its products to nearly 140 countries worldwide.

The main export destinations are Russian Federation, USA, Germany, Poland, Brazil, Iran

and Iraq. Turkish machine tools manufacturers are closely following international

developments in quality, safety and the environmental aspects of production. EU technical

harmonization is on force and at the beginning of 2002 it became obligatory to fulfill CE

Mark requirements in order to sell products in the Turkish domestic market.




You can check the list of international and national trade fairs which will be held in 2012,

on “metal working, cutting, fluid casting, molding and side industries” from “Turkey Fair

Guide 2012” web-site (www.fuarrehberi.org.tr).


􀂃 General Secretariat of Central Anatolian Exporters Union:


􀂃 Turkish Machinery Promotion Group:



Tags : machine tools , Turkish machine tools , buy machine tools from Turkey, import machine tools from Turkey, Turkish machine tools companies



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