
Turkey Lighting Industry



The lighting sector is an exciting and challenging field of the manufacturing industry as it

combines art and science. Today, the demand for lighting products is not based solely on

the simple need for illumination, but also on the desire to add aesthetic value and style to

the space.


The Turkish lighting industry was established at the end of the 60s with investments for the

production of incandescent and fluorescent lamps. Following that, investments were

implemented for the production of decorative lighting fixtures at the beginning of the 70s.

Eventually investments in the industry gained speed at the beginning of the 90s, leading

the industry to its current situation. The industry has shown substantial growth in the past

15 years in terms of production capacity, product quality, design and range.


Today, the Turkish lighting market volume is about US$350 million, of which US$130

million belongs to lighting fixtures. In fact, the actual market volume is only one third of

which would be ideally possible when the population of Turkey is taken into consideration.

The volume of the world lighting market is about US$50 billion, of which US$35 billion is

for lamps and the rest for lighting fittings.


The demand for lighting fixtures has increased in parallel with Turkey’s industrialization,

increasing per capita income, increasing urbanization, rising architectural lighting and the

changing lifestyles of consumers as well as the increasing number of residential and

industrial buildings, offices, shops, sports halls, restaurants, cafes, hotels, etc.

In parallel with the revival of the Turkish construction industry in 2005, the lighting industry

has enjoyed a good recovery after the years of recession following the 2001 economic

crisis. Construction, manufacturing and the booming tourism industries, and a shift

towards energy efficient products are creating a bright future for the Turkish lighting

industry. Given that the importance of the environmental technologies and the energy

efficiency concept is increasing, new technologies have been developed in the lighting

industry. The energy efficient lights and LED or O-LED lighting systems gain significance

day by day.


The industry produces a wide range of products within indoor lighting, outdoor lighting and

industrial lighting sub-sectors, ranging from lighting fixtures for residential buildings,

offices, sport halls, restaurants, cafes, etc. to building vicinities, emergency lighting, safety

lighting fixtures, lighting fixtures for lighting landscapes or special applications, etc.


There are about 50 large scale companies and 300 medium and small scale companies in

the industry dealing with production. Most of these companies are located in Istanbul, with

some in Ankara and Izmir.


All the large companies and most of the medium scale companies have international and

national quality and safety standards such as ISO 9000 series, ENEC, VDE, etc. All

companies have affixed the CE Mark on their products, which has been compulsory in

Turkey since 2003.


To keep up with the increasing demand and ever changing customer needs and tastes,

especially the large scale companies have been involved in research and innovation

activities in line with their production. Production technologies have been improved

continuously as well. The large companies offer custom lighting solutions for their clientele

by implementing lighting projects using CAD techniques.

© Republic of Turkey - Ministry of Economy, 2012 3


The Luminaries Manufacturers Association (AGID), established in 1997, represents 60

Turkish companies active in the lighting industry. Its main objectives are the following:


􀂃 to engender consciousness about the identity of the private sector,

􀂃 to advance individual and collective relationships between the representatives in

the industry,

􀂃 to enhance theoretical/academic interactions through common efforts and


􀂃 to complete the process of conforming to international standards,

􀂃 to ensure the proper representation of Turkish manufacturing companies in the

international marketplace,

􀂃 to protect the consumer rights

Turkish National Committee of Illumination (ATMK) supports scientific national and

international research in the industry. Established in 1995, the Committee is one of 38

members of the “Commission Internationale L’Eclairage” (CIE). ATMK organizes

symposiums every two year, and aims at getting the scientists, designers, professionals

and producers together to ensure the exchange of information and knowledge between

parties in the industry. Its ultimate aim is to support the development of the Turkish lighting

industry. The committee is represented in the Board of Directors of “Lux Europa”.

The bimonthly periodical “Professional Lighting Design Turkey” has been published in

Turkish since 2005. The periodical has been published in Germany since 1987 and

distributed all over the world. It is the only periodical on the professional architectural

lighting and published in German, English, Chinese and Turkish. It is the official publication

of “International Lighting Designers’ Association (IALD)” and “European Lighting

Designers’ Association (ELDA)”.




In Harmonized System, the lighting products are classified under 8513, 8539 and 9405

codes. Turkish Lighting Products are exported to more than 100 countries throughout the

world. After the global financial crisis in 2009, Turkish exports have increased about 10.9%

annually and reached at US$269.7 million in 2011.


The lamps and lighting fittings and also illuminated signs and nameplates (9405) which are

not defined in any other harmonized codes have been the major product group of the

sector for Turkey in the last years. In 2011, Turkey’s exports were about US$238 million,

with an increase rate of 14.4% compared to the previous year.


The second sub-sector in terms of export volume is electric filament or discharge lamps

(8539). Turkey’s exports in this product group increased by 14.3% and reached at

US$29.4 million in 2011.


Although the portable electric lamps designed to function by battery, magneto (8513), etc

are relatively a small product group in terms of trade volume, Turkey’s exports in this

product group were approximately US$2.3 million in 2011.


The EU countries are significant export markets of Turkey. In 2011, exports from Turkey to

EU totalled US$80.8 million with a global share of 30%. However, starting from 2009,

Turkey’s exports have been continuously shifting from the EU market to other countries,

© Republic of Turkey - Ministry of Economy, 2012 4

such as the Turkic Republics, Arabic Countries and North African Countries. For example;

Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Russia, Libya, Georgia and Kazakhstan were at the top of

the list of export markets of Turkey in 2011.




The full list of the fairs, which will be held in 2013, can be reached through the official

website of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey.



Fairs by City and Date (2012-2013)

Fair City Date

8th International LED & LED Lighting Fair Istanbul 27-30 September 2012

Belex 2012 10th Electric, Elektronics, Automation,

Lighting and Telecommunication Fair and Symposium

Bursa 6-12 December 2012

8th International Lighting Technologies Exhibition and Congress

Istanbul 18-21 April 2013


Source: The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey




􀂃 General Secretariat of Istanbul Minerals and Metals Exporters’ Union:



􀂃 Turkish Lighting Luminaires Manufacturers Association 



􀂃 Professional Lighting Design Turkey:



􀂃 Turkish National Committee on Illumination:



keywords :  lighting , Turkish lighting sector ,lighting  sector in Turkey,Turkish Lighting Luminaires Manufacturers Association

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