



The Dnipro Magnesium Plant (now ZTMK LLC) became operational on December 23, 1935. For high production achievements in April 1939, the Dnipro Magnesium Plant was awarded the Order of the Labor Red Banner.During the Great Patriotic War, the plant was evacuated to the Urals. In 1954, a decision was made to build a factory for the production of titanium sponge in the city of Zaporizhzhia.On June 29, 1956, the plant began its work and the country received the first domestic industrial titanium.On February 20, 1960, the electrolysis workshop was put into operation and the first batch of Zaporizhia post-war magnesium was obtained. The production of germanium products was mastered in 1958, and in March 1964 - the production of semiconductor silicon. In 1968, the production of trichlorosilane was started.

In April 1970, by the decision of the Ministry of Non-ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR, the Severodonetsk Chemical and Metallurgical Plant became part of the plant, therefore the Dnipro Magnesium Plant received the status of a plant.On January 4, 1971, the plant was awarded the Order of Lenin for the successful completion of tasks related to the production of titanium and magnesium, the improvement of technological processes and the development of new types of products.On December 16, 1985, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the plant was awarded the Order of the October Revolution for the great merits of the titanium-magnesium and semiconductor industry, the achievements in the implementation of the planned tasks of the eleventh five-year plan. And this order becomes the third in number on the flag of the plant.On December 23, 1993, due to the onset of conversion processes, which caused a sharp decline in demand for products, due to its uncompetitiveness, a difficult decision was made to stop titanium-magnesium production.In accordance with the State program "Titan of Ukraine", a complex of repair and restoration works was carried out at ZTMK, and since October 1998, the production of commercial products has been resumed.

In December 1999, the plant became a state enterprise.

For a high contribution to the development of the metallurgical industry of Ukraine, the restoration of the production of spongy titanium, as well as the strengthening of international cooperation in this field, in 2000, by the decision of the Presidium of the International Personnel Academy, the enterprise was awarded the Order of Honor. In order to increase the efficiency of production, the plant constantly works on modernization and technical rearmament of production, improvement of technology, improvement of product quality, intensification of production of spongy titanium, increase of obtaining its higher grades.On December 29, 2008, hot tests of the electron beam unit were successfully conducted at the plant and the first titanium ingot was obtained.On January 4, 2011, based on the order of the Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine, State Enterprise "ZTMK" was transformed into a State Enterprise through reorganization. The Zaporizhzhia titanium-magnesium plant becomes the only enterprise in Ukraine and Europe for the production of spongy titanium - a metal of the 21st century, a high-tech metal.On January 20, 2012, a significant event took place in the life of the labor team of SE "ZTMK": at 11:30 a.m., the retort with the 100,000th anniversary ton of spongy titanium since the start of titanium production in 1998 was pulled out of the furnace.

In 2014, with the establishment of ZTMK LLC, the plant began rapid development and became an active participant in socio-economic processes. Zaporizhzhia Titanium-Magnesium Plant LLC expands the range of commercial products, having mastered the technology of production of titanium ingots and slabs of technical titanium grades, such as: Grade-1, Grade-2, Grade-5, as well as highly alloyed titanium alloys, in industrial volumes.

Currently, LLC "ZTMK" is a powerful and high-tech plant that is of strategic importance for the economy and security of the state. Complex innovative projects are implemented at the enterprise thanks to a cohesive workforce of high-class specialists in their field, who strive to realize the most ambitious goals.

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